How to spot Religious Manipulation

Is Someone Trying to Control You? Manipulation and Gaslighting are common terms that describe a situation where one person is trying to gain control over another person. Though the most common use of these concepts is in the field of social relationships, the concepts are just as widely used in business, industry and extremely often in Religion. It is no secret that the Obedient, Docile and Believing nature of Religious people make them a target to the type of people that desire Power and Control. So you should occasionally ask yourself, “what of MY church?”. How to spot religious manipulation. Do the messages always differ slightly from the Bible? Are you made to feel guilty for not understanding why the messages differ from the Bible? Are you threatened or chastised for asking questions? Do people that ask a lot of questions in your church often disappear? Is the answer you receive from your preacher about a non-biblical statement always "that's not what I meant"? Are you encouraged to make "peace" by being silent and obedient? Is there a focus on Loyalty to the collective rather than individual obedience to God? Do current statements differ from older writings and documents from the same church? If new and old doctrines do not match, is the explanation that the context was different then? Are you discouraged from reading the Bible on your own without your churches’ commentary? Are you made to feel guilty for visiting other churches? Is the ability to understand difficult things taught to be held by a select few and not you? Do the words and actions of your church not align? Are sources other than the Bible necessary to explain doctrine? Does your church claim authority to do other than the bible teaches? If you can answer yes to a lot of these questions, these are signs that you are being manipulated for the sake of power and control. The fact remains that YOU and only you are responsible for acting out your belief, so it is not my goal or intention to give my interpretation of the Bible. With that said, there are some foundational statements in the Bible that show these signs to be red flags. 2 Timothy 3:14 The Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation... The Bible is complete, specifically, even the Old Testament is complete to make one ready for salvation through Faith. No other writings, or historical references are necessary for your understanding of God's plan for you and mankind. 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is "God-Breathed"... The Bible is God's direct revelation to man, NOT Man's interpretation of God. Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word I command you... No One has the Authority to change scripture. Commentary is a profitable thing when it is correct, but commentary IS NOT scripture. Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Salvation does NOT come by association or proximity to a specific church. Your church does NOT control who is and is not saved. Philippians 2:12 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling... The responsibility to act out your Faith is yours and yours alone. Do not let yourself be led by guilt and fear. Our Savior Himself said that all the Law and the Prophets hang on and can be condensed to, Love God with all your heart and soul and strength, and Love you Neighbor as yourself. - Matthew 22:40 "...Perfect love casts out fear..." - 1 John 4:18

If you find that your church is doing these things, you have a lot of options., but the one that I would suggest though, is one that requires work, and pays off.
Open a Word app, or grab a pen and paper. Then pick a specific doctrine and write, as if explaining to a friend, what YOU believe about that subject.
THEN, Open your Bible, and a concordance and search every word and phrase associated with that subject and WRITE THEM DOWN.
Once you have these 2 documents, read them ALOUD. I assure you you will not like how far removed they are, but you will then have an image of your own mind side by side with Christ's mind.
That will give you something very specific to bring to God in prayer, read it to him, ask HIM to explain it. I could tell you what I think He'll show you, but as I stated earlier that's not my place.

You, as an individual have access in prayer to our Father in Heaven. That access does not have a toll booth, no human attendant or custodian, That is a major part of what Christ came in the flesh for. He gave us HIS access to the Father, He, our Savior who was tried and tested in all points like we are and found without sin is our ONLY Mediator.
Seth Forrestier 02/13/2021


  1. 👍🏻 I like your suggestion about the two documents. I do that in my own study, and it’s helpful. A good tool to use is:
    I like to search a topic, hit print, and then read every entry in one sitting.


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