Don't be afraid
It took me most of my life to learn that it's not evil, rebellious or even bad to get out of a bad situation. If you and or your family is being minipulated, insulted, abused, publically humiliated or shunned, don't be afraid to walk out. If you're in a service and the speaker is talking nonsense or worse, stand up and leave... you're not evil for that. If your private life is being made public by people who are supposed to be counseling you, leave... they aren't there to help you. If your friends are only your friends when you agree with them, find new friends... those folks aren't your friends. If you are being told that your salvation is dependent, in any way upon another man (e.i. obedience, tithes, respect, subordination), that is manipulation. If you are struggling financially and your spiritual leader says that you should be paying him, your church, the organization, god(through the org) before you feed your family, THAT leader is evil. If you are counse...