Why This Blog?

 My name is Seth Forrestier and this is my blog. You may be curious about it so here are the basics.

Who do you think you are? I'm just a nobody. I grew up as a 3rd generation member of Armstrongism. I was born into The Worldwide Church of God, and in 1992 my parents followed Roderick Meredith into The Global Church of God. My family was close to the late and, and much loved John Ogwyn and we followed him into The Living Church of God in 1998. I was disfellowshipped from LCG a week before the Feast of Tabernacles 2020 for the sins of visiting other churches and not being trusted to be loyal, I quote, 'how can I trust that you won't run the A/V system in the morning and then go back to your hotel room and listen to [another church's minister] in the afternoon?'-[an LCG minister who had been like family for 10+ years]. I along with my wife Tabitha and our 6 children now somewhat regularly attend with Church of God International, where I'm honored to be allowed to preach, though I do not consider myself, nor claim to be a member of any religious organization. 

Why does this exist? Well, several years ago I started learning how to think. I ended up learning very late in life that what we refer to as thinking isn't the actual thing. Real thinking is a rare thing and it involves a lot of energy. One of the best tools available for one interested in real thinking is writing. Writing allows you to view your own thoughts in third-person. I write as to an audience, but I, myself am the intended audience. It's public because the few folks who happen to pass by and comment on here or by text really help me flesh-out ideas.

What is this? These posts are my thoughts in text form. They do not necessarily, and often don't represent my concrete beliefs because they are just my thoughts. As I stated earlier, I am writing to see what  I think.

Why the name? Originally I called this blog The Visual Christian as a play on words to the fact that I made a lot of charts. My earlier posts are mainly chart-based. Recently I've renamed the blog The Post-Christian Blog in reference to my thoughts about the nature of Christianity and My part in it changing. The tag line, Semper Expetens Sophia, is Latin for 'Always Longing for Sophia' (the Greek embodiment of Wisdom).

Why do you seem to be punching air? Well, I spent 30 years in a cult and now I'm trying to heal my mind from an entire paradigm that was shoddily and purposefully designed around power and control. All of these posts (thoughts) are me thinking through my beliefs and suppositions and challenging them to see what they are made of and why I have them.

Isn't this a bit heavy on 'church-bashing'? Maybe, It's not so obvious to me that churches are a good thing... At least what churches have become. I still attend a church, and actually like churches. It's a commonly reached conclusion, at least in my thoughts, that these churches need constant oversight and evaluation because they are prone to becoming man-eating machines.

How does one go about calling you out when we disagree with you? Please feel free to comment, comments are on. My only request is that you don't comment anonymously as I loathe and despise the concept of online anonymity and the gutless cowardice it produces. I enjoy thought-out debate and conversation.

Seth Forrestier


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