The Sign of the Dollar

 Last night I recieved an email from an online friend asking where I've been. I have not been blogging these last few months, and besides this post have no definite plans to do so again regularly.

If you're curious why, here's the deal.

If you start back at my earliest posts and work forward, (I don't suggest it, even to me it'd be a tedious read) you would see the character arc of a protagonist that transitions from an acolyte zealous for tradition and eager to fix a non-functioning system, to a agnostic skeptic, to a resigned separatist, to an emboldened religious reformer to finally radio silence. 

The radio silence is not, you might like to know, represented in the real world, only the online sudo-world.

Here in the real world I am still around, still moving, still engaging albeit with a different crowd.

I have become dissapointed with the stereotypical 'religious' mind. I have found that of all demographics that I interact with, the 'deeply religious' are in fact the least interested in truth. For instance, I can hold a conversation with a life-long church goer in which I can explain that the Biblical narrative is ENTIRELY progressive in nature; and that growth, or attaining greater is the main idea. I can convince this hypothetical person to the extent that they can riff off the subject for hours, and be excited how many previous questions make sense in that light, only for them to straighten their faces after an hour or two and say, 'I still just don't get why don't want to keep 'the law'.'

I have found a great many genuinly loving people in my travels through religious organizations, but I can count on one hand those which don't believe they currently possess all neccessary understanding. As such, I have withdrawn from the religious crown and do not put a majority of focus there.

My time is now focused on my family and my community. I have no ill will towards all the wonderful people who go to regular church services, but I have no respect for the organozations and the doctrines they estabilish. 

I am still just as interested and capable in religious concepts, I just no longer share my findings with the uninterested.

To paraphrase the John Galt speech by Ayn Rand, I am still here, still talking, still producing but no longer for this particular society. I will no longer be complicit in the maintanence of rigid structures that oppose the factual nature of life. I no longer will lend credence to the doctrines of men who keep people still, imobile and stuck in danger of hell or a '3rd resurrection' with no hope except to bow to tyrany. I no longer lend the hand of companionship with with an idea of Love that has boundries which curiously map the givers org-chart. Don't seek to 'find' me and save me with your group or doctrine, I am not interested. I, however, am not going anywhere... and when the man-made structures, our religious institutions with their rigid ideologies that ignore nature, logic and facts fall, which soon will be the case, I will not have been crushed by them. 

So, that's why I have not posted here or other religious pages lately. I have made my statements, said all I have to say, spoken my piece, or peace if you will, I have not written or spoken my thoughts annonymously in hesitation. I have not played my cards in secret, all is online for any to see. If you seek to engage with me, I am here, but I will not be there.



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